Wise cat wisdom

Good sleep is a powerful tool to stay focused during the day.

This is the way to increase our productivity and achieve better performance.


Neuroscience of a good sleep.

There are scientific researches, stating that the time around 22:00 – 23:00 is the best to start a deep sweet rejuvenating sleep. It is connected to our brain rhythms and cellular chemistry.

Doctors advise to be in bed 30 min before we want to fall asleep.

We can use this time to calm down, think about events of a day, maybe do some relaxing breath-work.

Smartphones should be sleeping in another room.

While our cats should be sleeping with us or wherever they want to.


How to organise our sleep.

Practice shows, that utilising some determined sleeping routine works the best.

Not so many people take this routine seriously, only smart ones do. We also should, if we want to achieve better performance.

Determined sleeping time creates a useful habit and makes it easier to keep ourselves in order.

Order in sleep – order in life.

Another important insight – an early start of a day.

Being productive early provides a good inner feeling – while everyone is just getting into the day, we have already accomplished something.

After a while, instead of saying “it is still 13:00“, we will be saying “it is already 9:00“.

We want to sleep at least 8 hours, so to wake up early we want to go sleep early at all. It is a simple math to do.


ByCycle – simple time management tool.

With ByCycle Calendar, we can easily create patterns for every day.

After a week or two we could see why exactly we do not follow them.

The main reason is the lack of focus which on its turn is the lack of good sleep.

Give ByCycle a try, and see how it works for you.


NB! Use browser version for registration. Mobile version is under development.


Sleeping is the most efficient way to boost productivity.