New pricing policy.
We updated our pricing policy. Our new approach aims to support small businesses and students. If you are looking for a free task management and team collaboration tool, then you came to a right place.
1. Regular pricing model.
Normally, pricing for such kind of corporate software is based upon a subscription model. A user chooses from several available plans with different sets of functionalities and pays accordingly.
For example, asks for 12 USD per user per month on a Standard subscription plan. Thus, if you have a team of 5 people, you will pay 5*12*12 = 720 USD per year.
A considerable amount to pay even once per year. And this is for a Standard plan with restricted functionality.
In ByCycle we have only one subscription plan – the Premium one, with full functionality.
The only difference is if you are paying on a monthly or on an annual basis, which is 12 EUR or 8 EUR per user per month accordingly.
2. Team collaboration app for small company.
At the same time, ROI does not constitute to be the main motivation for the development of ByCycle.
Our main idea is creating a new quality of user experience and providing efficient tool for people to start and maintain sustainable businesses.
The active community of free entrepreneurs – this is our mission.
In this model we are growing together.
ByCycle provides values of business order and team efficiency. Which allows teams to keep up with the business tempo and create high quality goods and services.
The more people get involved into any kind of entrepreneurial activity, the bigger will be our community.
The wealthier our community becomes, the easier it gets to pay for the value of ByCycle.
Simple as it is.
Value in exchange for value – mutually beneficial situation.
3. Free task management tool.
This is how it is going to work.
First of all, you want to “play with ByCycle”: to taste your user experience and to test our functionality. We hope that 1 month of free use is a good period to fall in love with our beautiful tool.
After 1 month of using ByCycle you become a part of our community.
And we add a page about you and your project to our website.
You can choose to put a link to onto your website.
If you do so, we give you 1 months of free use.
You can also subscribe to the ByCycle page on Linkedin, like and share any of our posts.
If you do so, we give you 1 more months for free.
Together, it makes 3 months of free use in exchange for a small favor.
4. Pay as much as you can.
After 3-month free period, things start to become particularly interesting.
We do not want ByCycle to be any kind of burden to your entrepreneurial activity, and we do want you to grow and succeed. So you have some reasonable options to proceed with.
I. If you are a freelancer, or you use ByCycle for personal organisation, then switching to the Demo plan is a good thing to do. You will have enough functionality to handle the work you are able to create. The Demo plan is forever free.
II. If you have a team and you are still in a challenging situation (we call it “surviving mode”) – ask for additional free period. We will grant you promocodes to use the Premium plan for 3 months for free.
III. If the regular price of 96 EUR annually feels too heavy for your project – suggest your price. It is up to your choice how much you are ready to pay. We are open for discussion.
IIII. Offer a non-monetary favor for ByCycle in exchange for a free period. It is up to you which kind of value you can put on the table.
In any case, we are open for communication and welcome all initiatives.
5. ByCycle – free tool for work planning and team collaboration.
ByCycle has proven its value – teams which use our smart and elegant tool show higher level of performance.
Eventually, you will grow till the point when the standard price for ByCycle will be an easy money to spend.
We invite you to try ByCycle as a work planning and team collaboration tool.
NB! Use browser version for registration. Mobile version is under development.