The big bang theory of God
In this article we will analyse why religions have nothing to do with God and why the Big Bang Theory is a new religion.
The simple truth
The truth is simple, the surrounding reality is much bigger and more complex than we are able to embrace with our present intellectual limits. We all understand that and some of us try to fill this vast emptiness with dubious concepts of different kinds.
Religions are one type of such concepts and BBT, with no doubt belongs to a neo-religion.
The Bang is the only true God and Einstein is the only true prophet.
Despite the fact of being the most acknowledged theory of everything (whatever it could mean), there is still not much evidence behind BBT (yes, microwave radiation and red shift).
It is a highly theoretical concept, and we just have to believe it’s true – a classic religion.
We have to believe in BBT since there is no better explanation. The same as some time ago, doctors would say that a patient is possessed with demons, since there was no better explanation.
I am not going to challenge BBT quite yet, since I am not a recognised astrophysicist. But as an intelligent being, I reserve the right to doubt any theoretical concept, particularly when it describes something which cannot be proven and which involves so many obvious manipulations and dishonesty.
The Theory of True God
So, when I think about all the “Universe” (sic!) and all the reality I find myself in, then I come to one simple conclusion.
If the Big Bang Theory (BBT) is legit, then the Theory of True God (TTG) is legit as well.
What is the TTG? It is very simple. It is built upon 3 beliefs.
1. We believe that God exists.
2. We believe that God is an intelligent and creative force.
3. We believe that God has a plan, and we are a part of this plan.
Basically, that is the entire theory. Which, as a matter of fact, is proven by 3 scientific facts.
We will observe them in the end of this article.
Religious Gods
Some people decided to go further in their purge to explain God. Without any actual evidence or reliable proof.
They made up a lot of utter theoretical nonsense to make God look nicer, cooler and easier for mediocre minds to understand. We call such theories – religions.
Religious people like to claim that God said something, wanted something, liked or disliked something.
Obviously, that is not true. There is not a single piece of evidence to prove that God said, wanted, liked or disliked anything.
I am not going to say that all religions directly lie about God, but they definitely provide incorrect and manipulative information which simply is not true.
Each religion tries to persuade us that it possesses the only true knowledge about God and any other religion is nothing but a conspiracy theory, which is run by a bunch of worthless losers.
Besides that, religion is not even about God so much. Religion is more about special rules of behavior.
It is all about reading special books, going to special buildings, saying special words on special days and wearing special clothes, particularly hats.
Religion describes how people should live their meaningless lives. Religion does not explore the nature of God.
To keep a religion alive there is always a special institution, which we call church.
Without a church, religion cannot exist, and every churchless religion gets abandoned immediately.
When you have a special code of conduct which you want to be followed by as many people as possible, you naturally want to have an institution to undertake the organising and technical functions.
This institution will deal with printing special books, building special houses and explaining which special hats people should wear to have a direct connection with God.
To perform all these important activities, such an institution would need 2 basic things:
1. Income (money).
2. Influence (power).
With no money and no power, the church just cannot pay its bills and therefore would cease to exist pretty quickly.
Because of that, the question of income and influence has existential importance for any church, just as it is for any other organisation.
That is why any church should stay focused on these 2 main points (money and power) and cannot afford to waste attention on unrelated illusions like God.
A church has to make money.
For this purpose, any church has to spread its influence, since it will help to raise more income, which will then get reinvested into spreading its influence even further, resulting in even bigger income. Simple as that.
The church is not about religion, the same as religion is not about God.
Now we know that there is a religion which aims to establish a special code of behavior and introduce unique designs of hats.
We also know that there is a church which exploits religion to spread its influence and increase income.
Each church has a bunch of people working to make this church exist – we call them priests.
Priests are respectful ladies and gentlemen who wear special clothes, know the code of conduct and pronounce many special words.
Despite all of these mad skills, priests are still the same regular people as all we are.
They breathe, they eat, they go to sleep. Just as all of us priests like or dislike something. They feel pain and joy.
And just like all other people, priests are concerned about the affairs of their personal lives, personal gain and personal achievements.
The dynamics of their particular church they always comprehend through its impact on their personal existence. Of course, each priest wants its church to succeed in this ruthless competition for money and power.
But the advance of the church should improve the personal situation of this particular priest as well.
It is better to be a mighty bishop in a poor church than a decayed deacon in a rich one.
As the result, priests do not care much about God, religion or church. Priests care about their personal lives.
Just as we all do.
And at the very bottom, we have a flock which follows a religious concept, exploited by a particular church, managed by particular priests. Such a flock supports priests and their church with money and attention.
The flock is the people who are so overwhelmed with the unbearable complexity of human reality that they need some clear guidance on how to live their miserable lives.
We call these people – followers.
Followers do not like to think much. They do not want to solve any puzzles. They want simple and clear answers from respectably looking people.
That is where priests come to the rescue with a simple yet highly sophisticated ideology.
No need to think, no need to bother. Just follow these rules, say these words and wear this hat.
After you die, you will be fine.
That is the beauty of this system: be loyal, and you will not ever need to think much. Thinking is a demanding activity and not so many people like to do it.
As the result, neither religion nor church, nor priests were ever meant to explore the nature of God. They were meant to provide simple answers to people who are not able to think.
To the followers.
Big Bang religion
The Big Bang Theory follows a pattern of any classical religion. It provides simple answers in a sophisticated manner for people who do not like to think much and do not want to follow any religion.
Just like any religion, BBT is considered to be the only truth about the creation of the “Universe”. And if you doubt it, you are out of your monkey’s mind.
To sound more solid, BBT exploits specific terminology, like space-time, inflation, singularity, red-shift and cosmic microwave background radiation.
Nobody knows what space or time is, but there is space-time, and it is bending. The red-shift effect comes from galaxies billions of years away (ago) yet somehow the “Universe” is expanding. And not just expanding – it is space itself that is expanding, though we know nothing about the physical properties of space.
It does not matter though. People want answers, not proofs.
To exploit BBT, there are special institutions which exist upon grants, which help them to promote BBT to get more grants.
These special institutions employ special people, who, for personal benefit, write special papers where they keep repeating all the same nonsense.
As the result, we have a classic religion with biased ideology, money-driven institutions, people which earn and people which get simple answers to avoid intellectual efforts.
BBT is not an alternative to religion. BBT is religion.
God exists
And now about 3 pieces of evidence of the existence of God we promised to reveal at the beginning of this article.
1. Life.
The existence of life proves the existence of God.
In this vast dead emptiness which is our “Universe” there is no need for something as complex and unstable as a life-form.
It affects literally nothing. We can blow up the entire Earth with all the variety of its life-forms, and it will have zero impact even on our galaxy.
Yet even the most primitive forms of life are so complex that there first has to be a vision and understanding of how this particular life form is going to exist.
There is someone or something who designed life before it was created.
2. Intelligence.
Intelligence is another miracle, even compared to the miracle of life itself.
The body produces electricity which runs through networks of special wires and creates a phenomenon of the abilities to feel, perceive, imagine, think, analyse, decide, perform.
They are all cool abilities which a life-form actually does not need to exist. We have a good example of all the flora and unicellular microorganisms which can perfectly enjoy being alive without any kind of intelligence.
Being intelligent is not a natural cause of things.
Intelligence exists only since someone or something wanted it to exist.
3. Evolution.
The main question about evolution is why. Why is life getting better and smarter?
Even the most primitive forms of life (viruses and cells) can easily exist and do exist in their primitive forms. They have no personal need or gain to evolve into something more complex. They are totally capable of dealing with their level of reality on their level of existence.
Evolution is not random, it follows some particular protocol and heads to achieve some specific goals.
The fact that primitive and extremely efficient life-forms keep evolving for billions of years proves that there is some meaning or some idea of such evolution.
Like if there is a plan.
What we do know
Based upon these three facts, we may conclude that God does exist, God is an intelligent power and God has a plan.
That is the furthest we can go with a scientific description of God.
We still do not know anything about the nature of God, the intentions of God or the actual abilities of God.
To explore God, we have to evolve and become more capable life-forms ourselves. Since our understanding of God is limited by our present intellectual abilities.
You would not try to explain religion to an Australopithecus, won’t you?