We are on the boat

Overcrowded teams is the main reason why so many businesses fail.

Thus the ability of keeping diligent and honest people in a team is a crucial skill for any entrepreneur.

In this article we share simple and efficient routine to build and supervise efficient team.


Reasonable nonsense.

Just recently, I said to one of my fellow entrepreneurs that the best way to enhance the productivity and quality of a team is to reduce its size.

It sounds a bit like nonsense, but it will make much more sense if we only start thinking about it just a little bit.

Reality is very simple – the more people we keep, the less of them is actually working.


Rowers and loads.

First, each team can be represented as a boat.

Second, every person on this boat can be described whether as a rower or as a load.

Rowers put efforts into making a boat moving, maintaining this boat and keeping it on its course.

Loads are a useless burden – they consume vital resources while doing nothing useful, sitting peacefully and enjoying the view.

Each business is kind of a boat.

Each business is kind of a boat.


Practical team management.

This simple idea leads us to an obvious conclusion: on the boat of our business we want to see diligent rowers, while all loads should be disembarked at the nearest port.

We could even throw loads out of the board if there is a long sail ahead. Let them swim and think alone.

As entrepreneurs, we are responsible for our boat and for the people who work for the benefit of the boat.

Lazy people is the main reason for business failure.

Lazy and ignorant employees is the main reason for business failure.


How to build a team with ByCycle

In ByCycle, we introduced a simple and efficient method to divide rowers from loads and bees from wasps – shared calendars and work lists.

With the single click (!) we can see the calendar, weekly plan and task list of any given player.

In the Time Report we can see the objective picture of the workload of each player in the team.

Honest work cannot be faked, and it is very easy to see who is who, by using ByCycle.


ByCycle is a beautiful and simple tool for work planning and team collaboration.

Try ByCycle for free and see how it works for you.

Check our gallery for more pictures of ByCycle.

For any questions or comments, feel free to contact us here.


In Task menu we keep all work we want to do.