We all deserve better

In this article we review the current situation on the market of task management tools and why revolution on this market is inevitable.

In fact, the revolution has already started.


The value of work planning software.

There is a huge number of task management tools and team collaboration apps on the Internet.

Surprisingly, it does not bring a considerable growth in productivity or higher success rates for small businesses.

Why so?

Well, each task management tool aims to provide 2 major functionalities:

1. Work recording and planning.

2. Team communication and collaboration.

For that purpose, task management tools are supposed to utilise specific methods of work organisation and unique designs.

Combined, they should arrange the workflow of users in the best possible way.

Unfortunately, nothing of that takes place in real life.

Existing applications are almost identical twins and the real competition goes around a budget which a particular company can afford to burn to promote its tool.

Good examples – ClickUp and Monday.

No surprise that such an attitude drives a lot of users away from the market.

People return to primitive work organisation routines like to-do lists in notepads or Excel tables.

Just because simple to-do lists provide higher efficiency and better user experience than a fancy project management app.


ByCycle – a different kind of work planning tool.

On its part, ByCycle was designed by a practicing entrepreneur, who wanted to have a handy working tool to deal with his own legal business.

ByCycle was developed to fit into the following conditions:

a. Extremely simple for everyday use – as fewer clicks, scrolls, pointing, searches etc as possible.

b. Simple and efficient as a bicycle – with fewer efforts you achieve much better results.

c. Convenient & visually attractive – any software should be enjoyable to work with.

d. Easy to introduce to a new user – so that a grandma could understand it.

As a specific method of business organisation, ByCycle utilises the idea that everything goes in cycles.

The fundamental cycle of life is:

Think – Plan – Create.

Our ability to achieve result grows from this cycle. As only we start to ignore any of its parts, it becomes much more complicated to get our work done.

Regarding design and UX/UI, ByCycle complies with the standards of the gaming industry. Our design was directly inspired by such task management applications as X-Com Enemy Unknown, Dune II and Heroes of Might and Magic 3.

Their technical solutions proved to be efficient and joyful enough to attract millions and millions of people.

Here is a visual comparison of ByCycle and three major project management systems.

Now it is fair to say: ByCycle is a revolution in the industry of corporate software.

The same revolution which Norton Commander was compared to MS DOS.


Task management tool for founders and students.

ByCycle is crafted for founders, CEOs and students. They are our main target demographics. Still, after exploring the market, we realized that even these categories are a bit too wide.

One key characteristic is still missing:

The general attitude to life.

All people are different and, therefore, we all tend to behave differently and utilise different approaches to achieve our goals.

Some people are satisfied with what they have already. They are unlikely to make any moves to change anything in their lives. They are inert and go with a flow. They are just fine and they do not need ByCycle. They need Facebook or TikTok.

We call them – reactive people.

Other people live in exploration and competition mode. They undertake regular actions and search for opportunities. They want to stay efficient and keep the highest tempo of productivity.

They try to push their abilities to the edge of their limits.

We call them – entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurs are our best friends, and we are seeking for active cooperation with them.


Swarm – new way of business management.

Rather than building a huge corporation, ByCycle aims to be a league of independent teams, similar to how it works in sports.

Best example – the National Hockey League.

This approach has strong advantages:

1. Promotes healthy competition – teams attract users by bringing new features and maintaining a high level of performance.

2. Creates stable and flexible business structure – failure of one team does not lead to failure of the business itself.

3. Provides tailored  functionality – teams will be divided by industries and regions.

4. Encourages entrepreneurship – instead of one bureaucratic monster, we create hundreds of highly efficient teams.

5. Promotes fair wealth distribution – instead of a pair of billionaires living in Florida, we create thousands of millionaires living around the globe.

If Microsoft used such a system, then MS Word would not be exactly the same miserable tool as it was 30 years ago. With the same silly and rookie mistakes. With the same ignorant and harmful design.


ByCycle – efficient task management tool.

ByCycle aims to be a joint success of many people.

We all deserve software, which is joyful to use and simple to work with.

We all deserve ByCycle.


Try ByCycle for free and see how it works for you.

For any questions or comments, feel free to contact us here.

Use browser version for registration. Mobile version is under development.


We are looking for active and persistent entrepreneurs.